Who am I? By Bonnie Baty

I was born into and raised within Māori culture in Aotearoa, New Zealand. My personal view of the world was entirely embedded within the cultural construct of family connection and tribe. It was all I lived for and dreamt of being service to.

I was raised to know my identity inside of culture, my genealogy drummed into me from birth, knowing who I was and my connection to those around me was imperative. Even if I did not have a direct blood connection to people, I was always able to establish a means of connection to them.

As I moved into my adolescent years, my parents moved away from the homeland I knew to a larger town which came as a culture shock for me. The town ended up being somewhat of a compromise in my early adult years, and being nestled between both my parent’s tribes, I found my feet and established a career that allowed me to be of service to tribe and the Māori community through education and social development.

Fast forward a few years and I find myself in Brisbane, Australia. Like a fish out of water, I struggle with the environment and establishing a grounded sense of belonging to this land. I know within my heart that I’m meant to be here, that this place has medicine for me, and I open myself to the journey it offers.

It was pain that brought me here, my partner and children joining later. After the first couple of years, I found myself searching for spaces, places, and opportunities to heal the pain within. It so needed to be acknowledged and set free.

That searching led me into many healing modalities that I trained in and although I entertained the idea of creating a business utilising them, I realised that they were more for my own personal healing. That was until I came across Millennium Education directed By Jean Sheehan in 2018 and of which I have been a devoted student of Medical Intuition.

This modality showed me myself in ways I had never seen before through the quantum field. I began experiencing myself through both a micro and macroscopic lens and opening to the conscious awareness of complete oneness with everything, the absolute.

I began to see myself in everything and everyone, the feelings of separation I once felt became null and void and all the filters of conditioning from birth to the now basically fell away.

I see myself now, the love that I am and always have been, veiled by illusions and stories that became patterns and modes of protection.  I see myself, past and forward, through eons of lifetimes that have existed in every part of this planet, the cosmos, the universe.

On the 18th of July, I was supported in ceremony by family and friends as I became the recipient of ‘moko kanohi’ (traditional facial imprint) specifically the chin area which is relevant to women in Māori culture.

This practice has seen a great revival over the past 20 to 30 years. It is something that I have always seen myself wearing and I remember around 18 years ago when I first discussed it with my mother.

There are many differing views around who can wear this taonga (treasure) and one can go into a full-on debate over it but at the end of the day the choice to wear it does not go without a depth of contemplation for the beholder.

I informed my family of my intention to adorn moko kanohi a year prior and allowed them time to process, although it was really me that needed to do the processing and by the time it all came around, the excitement amongst us all was rife.

My imprint or markings are somewhat different to what you see traditionally but really, they’re not. They are a vision of what I know has always been there and are also a statement of the who that I am.

A soul, here as a being, whole and complete, one who cannot be defined by anything other than the love that I am.

I am that I am.

That’s who I am.

Connect with Bonnie at: www.bonniebaty.com

Bonnie Baty

Bonnie Baty is an author, creative artist, medicine woman, qualified medical intuitive and home-schooling Mum.

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