If you had asked me a decade ago what my main aim was each day, it would have been the opposite of peace.
I was driven to succeed, to create a new life for myself, to create a new business that would give me the freedom and financial stability I desired. In truth though, and I can see it as I ponder back to those years, I was caught in a hamster wheel of struggle, of hurt, of pain, of unworthiness and I was lost.
Like many people I come across, if you had asked me to invest my time and energy into peace, I would have laughed and told you- I don’t have time for peace! I need more money, love, time, opportunities etc etc, not peace!
Now, a decade on, I understand that everything I desire begins with peace.
- Inner peace daily
- Finding peace with the present
- Finding peace with the areas of life that are still chaotic and in conflict
- Finding peace with who I am
And everything you desire also begins with peace.
How can you find that peaceful place within, and start to bring it out into the experience around you, without having to spend too much time and effort though?
And why will a peaceful energy help at all?
Here are my 5 Tips for Inner Peace that will answer these questions and more.
- Meditation and stillness
Being in a place of stillness is where inner peace can truly begin and become a constant in your life.
- Non – Reactivity
When you are in a state of peace and calm, you tend not to react to the people or situations around you.
- Self-Enquiry
Self-enquiry rather than stepping into blame, will help you return to the present, and to peace and calm.
- Self Acceptance
Self-acceptance and the acceptance of what is, is one of the fastest ways to inner peace yet often one of the most challenging.
- 100% Self Responsibility
Taking 100% responsibility in your life for everything is not an easy accomplishment and as such, keeps so many humans in blame and victim mindset.
I go deeper into each of these 5 tips in the Free EBook:
Imagine what could change in your life right now if you could feel more peace about it?
I invite you to connect with me in my FB Communities at:
And grab your FREE EBook here:
Trish xo
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