Altared States – Creating Space for the Sacred by Courtney Stark

One of the core things that forms part of my Everyday Magick is an altar.  My altar is a dedicated space where my most sacred objects live.  Its also a working space created with intent for a specific reason where I can focus my thoughts and centre my spiritual self.

An altar doesn’t need to be complex.  In fact, some of my simplest altars are in plain sight in my home.  For example, I have a collection of blue glass bottles, shells and a blue candle to honour the element of water in my bathroom.  A small cinnamon broom imbued with warming spices and essential oils sits in my kitchen alongside two small brass cauldrons I picked up at the markets.  During my time in corporate sales, a small tin would travel with me, a mini altar containing a candle, lighter, essential oil, small crystals and some Palo Santo which would transfer any hotel room into a sanctuary. 

Here are a few ideas of what to include on your altar –

  • Something to represent the masculine and feminine duality within.  This could be an actual statue or a symbolic reference such as an antler for masculine or a seashell for feminine. 
  • A representation of the five elements – Earth (salt), Air (incense), Fire (candles), Water (shells or a water bowl) and Spirit.                          
  • Oracle decks for daily guidance.
  • Photos of loved ones and ancestors that have passed away. 
  • Something to represent the current season such as in-season fruit or native flowers.
  • Flowers, candles, crystals and anything that makes you feel peaceful.

The above suggestions are just to give you a guide.  This altar is for you to use so get creative with it and make it a space just for you.  The things on your altar should have power for you and as you tune into your inner calling more and more, you will feel intuitively what works. 

My altar is where I start and end my day.  It is filled with things that bring me joy.  It is a place where I can connect to Source.  When we make time for our magickal workings and create a sacred space we can focus our intentions and bring about real change in our lives. 

Dear heart, what is it you are focussing on? 

If you’d like some inspiration for your altar, you can see our full range of spiritual and metaphysical products available at

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Written by Courtney Stark

Courtney Stark

After 20 years as a solitary pagan, Courtney Stark shares her love of Earth based spirituality through her online store. Courtney has one of Australia’s largest ranges of spiritual and metaphysical goods and is passionate about helping others on their spiritual path.

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