SoulSpeak – Giving, Gifting, and Receiving! By Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there beautiful HBM readers!

It’s June and that magical time of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere with the difference that it brings for us to indulge, explore, and celebrate. And for some it’s time for the annual escape to warmer climes, to embrace kindness, and compassion for our Self, our spouse, and our children with a change of scenery, even internal scenery. 

The month of June is also my annual birthday celebration month and this year I am gifting you! YAY! I love giving and love receiving equally too. As parents, learning to deeply receive is such a kindness gift to Self and to family.

Our Holistic Bliss Magazine global followers and readers – it is YOU who I am gifting. You could WIN a 45-minute SoulSpeak Session with me either via Zoom or in person depending on calendars, time zones, and the normal logistical factors that we navigate. It’s my birthday present gift to you and it’s easy.  

Simply text ‘Best Me’ to 0400 169 855 (+61 400 169 855) and include your contact details so that you can be advised of The Winner.

Note that The Winner will be drawn and notified on 22 June 2021 AEST.

I invite all to enter, and I look forward to announcing the winner and sharing the wonderful gift with them. I am so excited for all of you already.

In a different giving and receiving process, during a recent group session that was presented by a teacher at my son’s school and attended by several Parents with little ones in tow, it was highlighted how many of us are in a constant state of second guessing our parenting choices in the area of learning environments.  

Many parents were unsure that the choices they are offering their little ones, and not so little ones, as an educational foundation and environment may not be the best for the unique needs of their child, and children. This doubt feeds self-challenges including anxiety.

In this case, it became apparent how receiving information to questions asked, and being informed by the Teacher and shared experiences of other parents, created a blatant energetic shift in parents. The benefits of being given the information and choosing to receive as well reduced stress levels on many levels.   

In our daily self and parenting journeys, we see changes that we wish to live – then life happens, and the change does not. For the change we wish to live to happen, it requires choice, intention, action, and practise. And we can all BE that change that we wish to see and BE in the world.  

Does that sound familiar? Are you seeking more calm and less stress in your life? I can support you in this choice and change.

Self-love, self-parenting, and support are integral components in the Parenting Journey and the Parent-Child Contracts that we live, honour and respect.

Rewiring our brains and our bodies through neuroplasticity, somatic experiencing, and the beautiful array of modalities that are available to us through teachers, therapists, practitioners, community, and more is the gift that keeps on giving. Thus changing our lives and relationship dynamics. And the research and options continue to be enhanced and more effective. That is the beauty of living now, and the transparency of Self Awareness.

As a daughter, sister, friend, partner, wife, and Mother, I have navigated this space including the deep tunnels of Complex Post Traumatic Stress. We can all be all that we desire. I am here for you – to guide you to maximise the ease, calm and joy in your life, and to refresh your ability to receive absolutely. To shine your unique light and be the you that you are here to be and thrive.

My SoulSpeak intention for parents, children and families in our community is to guide you as you navigate and traverse the Self Parenting path to Soul Parent your children. This starts with you choosing self-love and self-care one action at a time.   

We are all on a long game – by gifting ourselves the kindness of allowing ourselves to learn and observe our place in the world, is a gamechanger. For you and for your family.

A series of SoulSpeak sessions is optimal as they provide you with the space to discuss what is coming up for you, determine solutions and steps to action them, allowing you to observe the bigger picture and your place in it.

Contact me on or text 0400 169 855 for any questions you may have, or schedule a complimentary 20 minute chat here to explore the solutions you are seeking. 

I look forward to helping you shine as your ‘Best Me’ and best parent you.

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart
The Peaceful Parenting Rockstar
0400 169 855

Recommended reading 

  • ‘Nonviolent COMMUNICATION – A Language of Life’ by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD
  • ‘Democratic Parenting: Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting’ by Blaise T. Ryan
  • ‘The 5 Love Languages of Your Family’ by Gary Chapman
  • ‘The Goulding Process – formerly SleepTalk’ by Joane Goulding.

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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