I don’t know about you but this line above is easier read than it is done at times! 2023 I’m shown energetically is about stepping up into your uniqueness even more. This year we have had some pretty big lessons, and many have found themselves on the way to a new direction, be that personal, career, home or health etc.
We have been given the signs we need to make the changes, now it’s time to implement them. Take a moment this month, and yes, I know for many it’s a crazy time, but I have mostly found it’s among the most chaotic times that I’ve had the best clarity and inspiration when I take a moment.
You see when you have held busyness for a while and not given yourself some quiet times along the way, when you finally do, your spiritual cheerleaders (friends and family and guides we have in the spirit world) are there in force making up for lost time. So, this means take fifteen or twenty minutes have pen and paper or voice recorder, whatever works for you and just start writing or speaking. Ask the question “what do I need to know heading into 2023? “You see your team (in the spirit world) along with your innate inner guidance, know the exact answers you are seeking. Yep, you heard that right. It’s all there.
One of my messages in my cards I hand out at shows at the bottom says, “Don’t be a dumb ass”. As humans we often are. We can’t see the wood for the trees. We make excuses to not listen, then get upset when things don’t work out. Can you relate? Once you have taken time to ask your team in spirit and taken note of the answers, and time to digest the information, it may have been what you expected and it may not be, and that’s okay. So going back to the title of this article. As you head into 2023 with the knowledge you have gained ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” in every decision you need to make. This will help you to gain clarity and you may find some things that you once loved, you might not anymore.
We often form patterns and just keep doing the same things without giving it a second thought. By releasing what no longer serves us, we then make way for the new. If there’s something you really want to make happen next year and maybe you were hoping for, it’s time to start asking what brings you joy and leave all the rest behind. This is about creating space for your joy. And we all deserve to feel joy, in fact, for most that I have mentored over the last few years, everything comes back to believing you deserve it! And asking the question does it bring joy will help do that. There will be things you look at and go, “I don’t get any joy here,” for instance it may be your job or place where you live, and that’s okay but just acknowledge it. For the time being, find the joy in it and if you can’t, make the joy.
If work sucks and it doesn’t bring joy, take the step of bringing the joy there without any expectations. Know that it’s only temporary and you have the ability to change this but, in the meantime, bring the joy (e.g., take snacks for everyone at work and don’t be concerned if no-one eats them or acknowledges them. You could also bring a bunch of flowers to display). There you go…you have just invited joy into your life.
And like attracts like. Watch a new opportunity be created. You might not love where you live….decorate it with joy and bring the fun there, again without expectation. These are just small examples of being in joy and allowing yourself to head into positive changes for the new year. You have the ability to create the life you choose, just don’t forget to base it on your joy as well.
To book a reading or mentoring session check out Tonia Reeves, Australia’s Cowgirl Medium’s website: https://www.thecowgirlmedium.com/
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